— Dr. Timothy Hlavinka, Urologist in San Antonio, TX shares his experience of working with Jennifer. He describes the brain changes that took place and how his tinnitus went away the morning after. (Watch 2:09min excerpt HERE)
— Garrett talks about Jennifer's powerful work potentially saving you 40 years of seeing a psychologist. With her masterful ability of creating a safe space for clients, she helps them to show and express their innermost self and live it in the world.
— Participants share about their experience at the retreat as well as their personal transformation; British Columbia, Canada * September 2018
— Sally Willis explains WHO Jennifer Millar is, WHAT she does and HOW you can benefit from it.
— Mel from Brisbane / Australia shares - after trying lots of other modalities - how powerful private sessions with Jennifer have been for her!
— Michael from Berlin / Germany shares how working with Jennifer has connected him to feel his heart for the very first time in his life! (in Deutsch with English translation)
It’s hard to put the experience of Jennifer’s workshop into words. Jennifer is a miracle maker. Every time I’m in her presence I am in awe at healings that happen in her workshops.
— Ryan Doherty / Project Coordinator Homeplus, Belfast
Jennifer’s unique ability to combine truth with compassion and loving support makes me relax because I trust that she will give love where love is needed but also address the tough stuff without being airy fairy or ungrounded, which I find in so many healing modalities these days. I can put my full trust in knowing if there are any unconscious behaviors of defense or resistance she has the intuitive vision to see right through that and not waste any time getting to the bottom line truth.
— Sarah McSweeney / Musician, Texas, USA
A physical breakdown was accompanied by loss and breakdown in all areas of my life; loss of the freedom to move my body without pain, loss of career, loss of social life and lifestyle--everything I had used my energy to build up around myself. My 'identity'. The more I fought the changes, the harder and faster they seemed to come. Anger, depression and loss of hope moved in and took hold. Aggressive chemotherapy treatment for cancer further ground me down to a numb baseness. I was so poisoned that I could only retreat entirely into myself and exist in a dormant state. It was in this place I felt spirit. A profound presence of unconditional love and compassion came to be with me, surround me, support me. Powerfully beautiful. Unlike anything else I have ever known in this lifetime on earth.
As life slowly started to come back to me, I told my loved ones of my spiritual encounters and was met with worried eyes and blank faces. So I kept the experiences close to my heart. I have never felt the need to sell others on my path. But I had changed and I hungered to learn more about energy. Jennifer's Cellular Transformation workshop was brought to my awareness and I signed up. I wanted to be with others who recognize spiritual energy.
The next couple of days were very interesting. I tried to mentally understand what was happening, but that is not the space the classes operate within. I will write what I felt. I felt energy moving through my physical body, an unwinding in certain areas, pulsing in others, nausea, pain, headaches, clearings of chronically tense areas. I experienced emotional upsets, rushes and releases. I felt anger and deep sadness. I cried, laughed, felt joy and love. I felt safe for the first time in a long time. I went home and slept for days. When I finally awoke I felt 'lighter' in body, mind and spirit. Clearness. Happiness. Hope!
I now renovate and rejuvenate my energy everyday. Jennifer gave me the kick-start and I continue the work. My pain has eased greatly. I heal everyday. I am empowered and awakening. It feels amazing!
Thank you Jennifer, for being such a welcoming and gracious guide for me in the world of energy!
— Jo / Kingston, Canada
My session with Jennifer is a bit of a blur but the after affects are not. My body feels like is has much more lightness and love in it. I can no longer tolerate alcohol or sugar, both of these things feel very toxic to my system and I no longer reach for them in times of emotional stress. In a nutshell I feel like love is winning in my body over the many layers of fear and hate. This is remarkable considering that most of my life I have hated myself and abused my body. This is no longer possible and it feels so good and long overdue..... I always knew I was worthy of love and my session with Jennifer kick started the flow of love back into my system.
From all my cells, especially my heart cells thank you so much!
— Pauline / UK, Pilates Instructor
I recently attended Jennifer’s workshop in Belfast. Her approach to self healing was immensely refreshing. I had read numerous articles and books around the science of how our cells are already pre-programmed with fears, traits and traumas from our own family bloodline. As a conduit for receiving and spreading powerful light and energy, Jennifer was able to assist me to purge and remove some of this ancestral sludge. With the wisdom and knowledge shared from this amazing teacher I feel ready to learn so much more. This will not only help me but my children too.
— Caroline, Antrim / Northern Ireland, Graphic Designer/Lifeguard/Doll Artisan/Mum
The Workshop last weekend with Jennifer was amazing. Many layers of darkness and pain came up and have gone. The guidance of you was respectful, very clear and with love. I will recommend your work to my friends and wait for the next time here in Berlin.
Many greetings!
— Andreas, Berlin / Germany, Mechanical Engineer & Feng Shui Consultant
I had a one on one session with Jen which led to me to embrace my truth and power in a way I was afraid to, regardless of relationship consequences. Since doing so, my body and heart have opened up in new ways. I literally feel like I had years added back to my life. My posture is self correcting, I'm breathing deeper naturally, a block/fog has lifted from my brain, and I'm finding I have been naturally losing interest in certain distractions that kept me from staying true to myself. I feel like I have the energy I had in my mid-late 20's. Seriously... holy crap. I can't thank Jen and Spirit enough. :-)
— John, San Marcos / Texas
It's been a week and can't believe all that's happened so far. Lots of personal stuff been happening and I'm putting into practice workshop stuff and it's great.
I was asked the day before workshop to do a comedy routine. Somehow I said yes... I found out since you can't see people from stage anyway it's a whole new way of listening to that energy, a lot of what I was doing at the workshop. The routine was good and I was encouraged to go do more. I also was invited to do something this November, so I said yes...
At workshop the people I needed to meet were besides me, I stripped away the things that was holding me back, I learned more about listening to energy - and opportunities are flinging themselves at me.
I love it when we let the workshop stuff spill over into daily life. We go there for change, isn't it wonderful when we get out of the way and let the change happen in our lives!
— Goldy, Belfast / Northern Ireland
I wanted to say that the healing session with you really served as a catalyst in my life. I am slowly but surely learning to trust and live in the moment and not know the "how", or have it all figured out in advance. It is such a radically different way to be and you serve as an inspiration to me as someone with the courage to live this way. I left my job and am finding work that is more in line with who I am among much more! So thank you Thank You THANK YOU for the work you do!
— Beia, Austin / Texas, Graphic Designer/Artist
Well some learn it the hard way, just like myself. At least I learned. Problem is, I guess, that once I had cancer doctors and people around me created an environment of fear, once the fear took hold it was like my heart got deep frozen and I was unable to access my inner wisdom and all light went out. Then I thought I was healthy but went back to old patterns and cancer came back caused by treatment. Much more hardship came into my life and I again ignored the warnings and cared more for others than myself.
What woke me up? The Truth About Cancer did. I quit the medical system. What helped me to heal? What do I go back to over and over again? My centre, the light, Great Spirit and love. Thank you Jennifer Millar for showing me the way. I love you!
Every time I get off track, I now choose love and light.
Natja, Melbourne / Australia, Yoga Teacher
I have been blessed to have discovered and worked with Cellular Transformation in my life. This work is great and I believe it to be truly transformational – that is, once the work is done, it is no longer part of my world. It’s an incredibly powerful process to shift the physical, mental and emotional challenges in our lives. Knowing that there is this incredible healing energy in the world that manifests in the body as “light”, my mission has become – how do I bring more light and love through me and into the world. Highly recommended.
– Dr. Thomas Rolley, Byron Bay / Australia, GP
I approached Cellular Transformation because my new boyfriend raved about it. I consider myself a workshop junkie and have been around the world following all the gurus. I wanted to see for myself what all the hype was about in hopes to impress my new beau and go deeper on my self transformational path. The result, Cellular Transformation is a spiritual pilgrimage that took me on a journey far beyond my expectations. It helped me by uncovering the often unspoken under toe that exists between people, the language of Energy. It sounded like such a buzzword, “energy,” it’s on all the sports drinks and what the new age people talk about (including myself) but when it’s talked about and seen in a conscious group like Cellular Transformation, it’s the only thing that is real. The outcome was profound self awareness, into the unconscious autopilot programming that runs the show, unseen by the world because most of us are living in chaos. Something I really liked was their humor! This is serious work that is done with love. There were tears alongside belly-aching laughter. I found the experience nourishing and powerful. I now have a nuanced clarity that has enriched all of my previous training and has opened the door for me to move forward in many aspects of my life that felt dormant. I am able to breath deeper. I would recommend Cellular Transformation to people who need a wake up call beyond the ordinary. To people who feel things they cannot put into words. To people who hurt because what they seek is the truest connection. If you’re comfortable playing it safe on the surface, stay where you are. If you can no longer tolerate the mediocre, the facade and want the brutal but loving truth, Cellular Transformation will wake and shake you to your core.
— Ria, NYC - MA in Social Organizational Psychology
A fluid freefalling crack open & rewire masterfully facilitated by divine conduit of Great Spirit, the gorgeous Jen! It was a wild & wonderful journey into the intricate
unfolding of cellular memory. Do it!
— Lucinda Light, Melbourne / Australia
Having exhausted the mainstream and alternative medical models with only symptomatic relief, Cellular Transformation has been the key to unlocking the energetic, root causes at the DNA level with miraculous results to my overall health.
— Igor, Byron Bay / Australia, Holistic Counsellor
1 week after the workshop:
I am so full of fuxking love and life I have found in me. I’m gonna explode.
The universe is is screaming from my core, now I can hear it. This work is beyond belief. Thank you. Thank you thank you.
Update - 3 months after the workshop:
If you feel the slightest push or pull to do this work with the incredible Jennifer Hanson then trust it and do it. I heard about the workshop 2 weeks before it was on and I felt every part of me say yes. I didn't read a thing or try to understand it, I just knew.
In just 3 days of this work, I found my truth, my voice, my love and my feelings, after being lost on and off in the pain of PTSD for years. I have done so many workshops and personal growth work, read so many books, done so many courses but this one knocked my socks off. It’s not a one off fix but there is great support and follow up too that keeps me connected to what feels like an endless source of love and fearless to live my truth. It is impossible to really put into words the transformation that has happened after the weekend and one more session afterwards. My thinking and feeling comes from a whole new sense of the world. A world seen through a doorway of love as a source of protection and power for change rather than the old doorway where anger and fear were the only options for safety.
I can’t thank Jennifer enough for bringing me home again to myself.
— Samantha, Melbourne / Australia, Grief and Loss Facilitator/Educator
Going into the workshop I was ready for anything but then experienced more than I could of imagined. Fear and pure terror I have never felt to “show up” and go where the light was pushing me.
I’ve always had so much love for people, the planet, humanity, but mostly my wife and children that just was so hard to bring out consistently. I could do it and felt brilliant but it felt awkward, especially to sit in my heart with my wife.
I just feel so different already. Such a struggle to be 2 people all the time and grind to display affection! Cellular Transformation has taught me how to hug someone properly!!!
An amazing amazing experience, and just loved to listen to Jennifer’s profound words.
I feel like the Cellular Transformation will flow through my work as a kinesiologist and am so excited about living life so much free’er inside.
Clearing past life, karmic, ancestral energy from our cells is the key to passing through the eye of the needle into and back to Divine.
Jennifer and Cellular Transformation is such a gift. I look forward to more and more and more.
— David, Melbourne / Australia, Kinesiologist
It feels challenging to find the words to best describe my session with Jennifer…Some experiences cannot be described by words alone but here goes :-)
I Immediately felt a profoundly deep and sincere feeling of love & support from Jennifer’s presence, and I felt held in what I could best describe as a giant bubble of radiant divine love..
With this I immediately knew & trusted that I was 110 % safe and supported. It was evident that Jennifer & the work she embodies are coming from a place of highest, purest divine source. I trusted this.
I was prompted and guided to feel into parts of myself that I had been blind to for what feels like a near lifetime. The sadness.. anger.. doubt.. disconnection... Through accessing and feeling into my self and these feelings… I started to release…like REALLY release!!
I’ve always known the true power of feeling …and I have tried in sooo many ways over and over to get back to my feelings. But at times it had honestly felt like I had been fighting against what felt like a brick wall. I had so much knowledge in my mind but I’d never been able to fully embrace and embody it.
I was guided through a deep & profound journey into self understanding and connection.
5 days later my body still tingles with sensations and Im still sensing these layers of feeling & energy lifting away from me. The emotions are still passing through me and I’m gaining more and more understanding of self.
There is so much in the world to know, perceive or believe to be true…and I do not know anything for certain…But the one thing I know to be true is Feeling!
It is through feeling and only feeling that I can find myself.. It is through feeling that I can really let go and truly heal. There is no way around this.…
Through feeling I find my way back to self…back to love.
Thank you Jennifer for lighting me back up! Giganitic Loves & blessings to you! xxxxx
— Stephanie, Melbourne / Australia, Office Administrator & Kinesiologist
I attended the workshop in hope to resolve some of the root causes of my debilitating fear, insecurity, worry and lack of feeling good enough. I have been in recovery from alcohol addiction for 2 ½ years. I have come a long way and I am learning to speak my truth and heal. I’m currently working on connecting with my inner child and loving and accepting me just as I am. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin.
Jen has this incredible gift. She connected with all of us. I was able to identify with each and every person that she assisted in pulling out their fears, traumas and blocks. I healed right along with them. I left feeling more connected and feeling spiritually shifted. I can’t wait till she is back in Kingston. I am eager and ready for more self-soul searching. Thank you a whole bunch with great love.
— Shannon, Kingston / Canada, Electric Services Advisor
I’m still feeling two things like “did that happen?” but simultaneously I totally know that happened and was wide awake and willing and participating. Thank you Jennifer and everyone for your attention and energy and compassion! My personal experience/“moment” feels like something that I had been seeking my whole life, but also I was not expecting it at all. Yet when it came it felt so right in all ways. Thanks everyone for facilitating my being able to ask the holy spirit to open the doors of love. I’m touched at the deepest level. I can’t believe it, but of course it’s also the most believable thing. Thank you. Thank you so much. Overwhelming love when I think of it/feel it. Love you all.
— Jorge, Berlin / Germany, Actor & Dancer
Cellular Transformation has taught me the most profound, yet, most simple principle of the universe: (1) Everything is energy, either expanding or contracting. (2) Evolution is realized through expansion. (3) My lower belly is a receiver of Universal Intelligence - expanding or contracting. (4) If I act upon what makes my belly feel warm, relaxed and tingly - and stay away from whatever makes me feel tight, anxious or contracted there...I and my world are evolving to more clarity and power, more joy, deeper love and connection! I AM SO GRATEFUL TO THIS WORK!
— Charlotte, Germany, Architect & Graphic Designer
Cellular Transformation is the most powerful transformative work I have encountered so far. In just one year I have gone through a total metamorphosis – the quintessence of which being that I am coming home to my true Self: LOVE… LIGHT… There is nothing more fulfilling to me than being on this journey, learning how to listen to and follow the energy – out of your head, into your feelings, right to the core!
Update - after 4 years of working with Jennifer Millar:
Benefits of Cellular Transformation for Businesses
Jennifer Millar’s work has the power of radically transforming us and with this every aspect of our lives. It gives us back the power of being the entrepreneur of our lives in a very unique and empowering fashion.
I discovered Cellular Transformation three years ago after having been in ‚personal development’ for more than twenty five years. Until this time I was literally toddling in the dark with some moments of superficial and ephemeral feelings of happiness. Be it at home with my children, my family, my friends or at work, deeply in me something was missing, something was not quite right. Today I know that I had been what is commonly known as latently depressed for the greatest part of my life.
After my first encounter with Cellular Transformation my children told me that I was happier and encouraged me to go to further of these workshops. I myself immediately felt that a big heavy layer of false beliefs (blindness, unconsciousness) had been lifted out of my body and mind. I felt lighter, joyful, energized, confident in me, others and in Life. Empowered to face it with a completely different perspective. And this would touch every areas of my life, especially the place where I had been spending most of my time in the last twenty five years: the workplace. After the first workshop I decided to consider my workplace as a ‚playground’ to express myself with my very individual talents.
The lightness and the self-confidence that I had gained could not be overseen, causing several colleagues to ask me if I had a new relationship. I did not have one in the sense the colleagues meant, but indeed I had engaged in what Jennifer refers to as the divine love affair. But this is a subject for another piece.
The second workshop really encouraged me to step even further into my unique creative expression. When I came back from this workshop my friend told me that she felt I was on cloud nine. And yes, this is exactly how I felt. Again liberated from tons of unconscious behavior patterns that would hinder my wellbeing and creative power. And still there wasn’t a new romantic relationship behind it.
A further workshop brought me to the realization that I had spent more time at my workplace interacting with the same individuals than with my own children. I then decided to fully integrate this valuable time into my entire life, as my creation, my enterprise as opposed to perceiving work, my job as a necessary burden everyone has to carry in order to survive. After an international meeting one of the attendees would wave at me shouting: „It’s nice to work with friends“. In a subsequent meeting, another formerly called colleague referred to me as his sister. At a certain stage, I considered going to the office not only as an opportunity to deploy my individual talents for the benefit of all, but also to meet with my extended family...
Gradually, everything around me was becoming more real. I was no more playing out a role as if remote controlled by an invisible power, hiding, feeling small and inappropriate. Instead I was daring to be myself, as if growing into a new self or coming back to my true nature. And more importantly, expressing myself as such. Having learned to communicate differently and integrated the mechanism of projection, I started giving feedback to colleagues, uncensoring the expression of my feelings. In the workshops with Jennifer Millar we talk about speaking our truth and learning the language of energy.
Integrating the mechanism of projection means that we also build a structure to receive feedback. Suddenly, I was not deadly offended anymore when someone would draw my attention to something I might have omitted, overseen or even worse done wrong. I could hear it, acknowledge it and even be grateful for it. Because when feedback is properly given and received, it is a real treasure for both: sender and receiver. It helps us growing out of these unconscious patterns and stepping into our real strength, our Self.
Meanwhile, I felt so empowered that I not only used this part of the teaching, which is only one of the many transformational tools in Jennifer Millar’s wide and deep portfolio, with colleagues but also with peers. In a recent team meeting I gave a workshop teaching what I named “the art of empowerment feedback” were everyone clearly recognized the value as improving personal communication skills, enhancing relationships, increasing self-awareness and thus fostering personal growth.
Today, I feel profoundly content in a life Jennifer Millar has helped me to unfold with immense grace, passion and intelligence. In one word with brilliance.
Jennifer Millar has a unique gift to convoy Every One in becoming a true, passionate and powerful creator of a reality Each of Us will love for ever.
— Joy Divine, Berlin / Germany, Psychotherapist (HP Psych.) and Marketer
This is a transformational lifestyle straight from Universal Love. The consciousness available through these workshops is educating my body at a cellular level on how to live in an energetic reality of passion, creativity and abundance, which has become second nature to me. With gratitude the universe presents each new chapter to me. Through acting on and embracing each nuance with blind faith and trust I deepen my consciousness and live a fruit full life. Being surrounded by a very dedicated and conscious group of people, I can constantly refine my inner knowing through the mirror of my friends.
— John Mc Sweeney, Texas / USA, Contractor
In all my years as a counsellor and group facilitator, I have never experienced transformation as profound and long lasting as with the Cellular Transformation process. This work has not only enriched every aspect of my life, but has changed the very texture of my lived-experience of the world. One workshop is easily worth months of therapy.
— Paf, Melbourne / Australia, Holistic Counsellor & Counseling Teacher
Just finished an amazing Cellular Transformation workshop with Jennifer Hanson in Wellington. Jen has the aura of an angel in her openness and compassion, the uncompromising clarity and precision of a laser in naming the issues we are transforming, and the tenacity of a rottweiler in hunting them down. All of which were used to great effect in my case! With huge gratitude to Jen and to Spirit and to our small group who held the space so beautifully. I can't wait to see how the changes unfold!
— Julie, Wellington / New Zealand, Medical Doctor
Jennifer Hanson is such a masterful facilitator of Cellular Healing. Her beautiful energy, vivacious bright spirit and empathic nature instantly helps you to feel at ease. It is incredible how she works with light and energy, helping others release old beliefs and patterns that no longer fit. This clearing then enables you to step unhindered into your own power, purpose, light and greatness.
— Helen, New Zealand
I was this August for the first time at a Cellular Transformation workshop. I didn´t know what to expect but days before I was already nervous and than at the workshop I was feeling very familiar. It was really life-changing for me! In that workshop we healed my “black hole”, which was there instead of my heart. It was very interesting and strange, too, because I could feel this pain in my heart in the workshop much stronger than before. I realized that I had carried it around all my life. But then, with Jennifers work during the workshop this hole just dwindled away. I was crying and sweating it out. It felt like a big muscle soreness around my chest afterwards and the “black hole” was not there anymore. It was so beautiful that Jennifer and all the people of the workshop did go with me through this. And Jen said that I´m full of love and thats so true! I felt like she has seen deep into my hard. I could even see better on Sunday morning and I realized that my bad eyes are some pattern or effect of it. I´m still unbelievably stunned by the workshop, and I was very grateful and very happy to find the group.
— Rosa, Vienna / Austria
— This video is a birthday tribute to the power and loving presence of who Jennifer is and the many people she has touched with her healing gift. Made by Kaley Dae Productions (kaleydaepr.com); family, friends and clients worldwide share their gratitude for her remarkable gift of love.
This is extremely scary, exposing and shameful for me to share. But it’s time. In spite of the terror of being judged and shamed I’ve concluded that this is the ONLY way I’m going to ‘out’ this self-hate program: by taking some sort irreversible action that gives it no possible way of sneaking back in. I know how these clever ego-patterns work; any excuse and they take over the whole show. So sharing my deepest vulnerability in public and on camera, with no make-up, is the LAST thing my addiction wants me to do. I can’t think of anything more shameful and humiliating… precisely the feelings my ego wants me to hide. It tells me to keep my ugliness to myself and present only “togetherness” to the world—ESPECIALLY since I’m supposed to be an ‘emotionally perfect’ spiritual teacher. But I’m sick of wearing a mask and hiding shame behind closed doors. That’s what keeps it intact. Self-hate feeds, festers and grows within the darkness of secrecy and shame; the shame that I’ve been beating myself up with since childhood. Bringing it out into the light is where it has no power. Yes, you may laugh at me, point fingers, bully and reject me—everything that already happened growing up—and all of this will have to be okay because my assessment is this: The universe is pushing us into our resistances, fears and aversions so we can shine light on them. So long as we run rampant over the top of this inherent void in our human psyche, we contribute to the rape of each other and this planet. My sense is that we must drop through the void in order to surrender our toxic escapist patterns and create a healthier world for all. I for one choose vulnerability and realness, deep feeling and ownership, exposing shame and facing fear. I have set up a facebook group to provide support and healing for these issues. It’s called ‘Healing Through Vulnerability’. Whatever self-hate pattern may be surfacing in you: depression, bingeing, drinking, smoking, etc., I invite you to take the power out of it by sharing your struggles with other brave and loving souls. We’re in this together and shall heal together. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Heali...